The Top 10 Things No One Tells You About Going Platinum


I was born with jet black hair.

Over the years, it’s shifted to a bit of a deep brown-black (thanks to heat styling + the sun), but it’s significantly dark, nonetheless. I was about 13 years old, when I became adventurous with my hair (typical Leo) and I would do things like, cut it in the spur of the moment (butchering curly bangs for myself), try a multitude of styles (both straight and curly) and experiment with various bouts of color.  These adventures went on for decades!  So, recently, when I walked into one of my favorite salons in L.A., Muze Hair, and the owner, Kiyah Wright, challenged me: “Girl. It’s summer! It’s time to do something different. Let’s just go platinum. I mean, what else are you doing right now? You’re on a break – now’s the time!”, naturally, my spontaneous, audacious, mane-loving self was like: “Done.”

No research.

No warnings.

No knowledge.

Just jumped.

Now, as thrilling as that was, in the days following my transformation (see it here), I was hit with some hefty truths about charging into full Storm-mode and I ended up learning them the hard way (because, of course, this is what you’re supposed to research before taking this kind of plunge).

So, if you are thinking about jumping on the blonde train – either now or at some point in the future – this is my free gift to you:

The Top 10 Things No One Tells You About Going Platinum

  1. Your hair will probably break, like a young girl’s heart.

    Sorry :(. We’re not just talking about going blonde here. We’re talking about going straight up platinum. Keep reading to see how I dealt with this.

  2. It can be pricey.

    Since going platinum is such a process, the dollars can add up for the time and products it takes (also, depending on your hair texture/color, you may need to go back again for a second time to really fine-tune your specific hue in order to get it right). If you’re going to a seasoned professional, expect to shell out a few bones – but it’s absolutely worth it for the expertise (I wouldn’t dream of doing this solo at home).

  3. Pause on all hair products of color.

    If you’re doing a frosty platinum, that means halting on even the golden oils or pale yellow conditioners that you love so much. Additionally, try wrapping your hairline when applying skincare or make-up; bronzers, foundations, blush or even those colorful facial masks. Stick to clear and white products for your hair or else that brassiness will show up in beast-mode.

  4. If you have softer waves or curls, more than likely, they’ll be done.

    Dead. Dormant. Gone ‘til November. Many people are able to keep their curls if they are tight and resilient. Mine aren’t, so they took a straight vacation.

  5. Try to stay away from heat..

    ..if you can. Your hair has already gone through a bit of trauma, so you want to be as kind to it as possible (and remember, I went from a deep dark to a super light color - you may not experience extreme damage if you’re going from, say, a light brown to a platinum).

  6. Regular shampoo? 

    Nope. Co-wash is your new boo (I adore this one). Purple shampoo/Olaplex #4 are your new bffs. With all of that said, wash very gently. Try not to go HAM like you used to or else you could encourage more breakage.

  7. Three words: wide. tooth. comb.

    Combing your bleached, frangible hair with a fine-tooth comb will destroy all of your hopes and dreams in life.

  8. Lots of conditioner + keep it trimmed.

    These two tricks will help to keep over-processed frizz at bay.  Click here for the go-to products that came to my rescue during the breakage process.

  9. Remember: you’re a tour de force - going platinum takes courage.

    You’ll be fly simply because of the confidence that it takes to rock those platinum tresses!  People will commend your bravery and appreciate your crowning glory - which helps to make the process worth it, even if the breakage is real. (It is).

  10. Bonus: the grow-out is equally fantastic.

    Especially if you have dark hair, the low-light look is a whole, entire mood.


Went on the platinum journey? What were some of your personal discoveries?

 Happy (+ prepared) coloring! x

*Keep note that everyone’s hair texture and composition may respond differently to factors like coloring and bleaching – the above was specific to my hair and its response.*