Tips For a Turbulent Flight

Hi Guys.

Ever grip next-door strangers when the plane jiggles as it goes through a cloud?

It me.

(Only happened once, but still..).

 Here’s the great news:

After experimenting with a few tricks, I’ve found the perfect calming concoction of things that help me to sail through flights without seizing people’s body parts. So, if you dislike turbulence as much as I do, try these 3 tricks below the next time you fly!

1.)   Grab those headphones

a.)    The serene meditations on the Abide App are so calming. With soothing ruminations and background lulls like guitar strums, water lapping or harvest fields, you’ll be sure to be transported elsewhere in a matter of minutes.

b.)   Have a special playlist ready to go in those jarring moments. One of my favorite songs to play in the skies is ‘I Am With You / Be Still’ by Israel + Adrienne Houghton. A cross between a soothing lullaby and calming prayer, any feelings of anxiety and fear automatically begin to dissipate. x


2.)   Pull out the oil


I’m a huge fan of various essential oils in general, but one of my favorites to fly with is Aesop’s Ginger Flight Therapy.  A roll-on oil specifically formulated for combating stress (lavender), anxiety (geranium) and nausea (ginger), it does the trick. I just dab a little on my wrists, behind my ears and on my temples and it’s instant relaxation, right there in the skies.

I also take my mini DoTerra collection with me; with small vials of oils like potent oregano, on-guard and pure tea tree, I’m literally prepared for anything!

3.)   If you can, skip the caffeine


Opt for more calming drinks like low/non-caffeinated tea or one of my personal favorites; hot water with lemon. Not only is the citrus hot water amazing for digestion, but it also strengthens your immune system with that much needed Vitamin C when you fly.

If you choose a tea instead, just bring a few of your favorite tea bags from home, because the black tea offered on planes tends to be a little strong and caffeinated.  My top tea picks for a calming flight are: peppermint, chamomile or ginger - all of which will relax and settle your senses in no time!

What are some things that bring you a sense of calm on a tumultuous flight? x